
Showing posts from February, 2010

Last Week Winter - This Week Spring

After a long and hard winter it's finally getting a lot milder. Pictures are from last week. From now on, we hope to leave aside the hoodies and the gloves.

Switch Kono

Not the biggest move but I like the industrial background. That's what most of my sessions at the moment look like. Glacial mistral winds accompanied by the sun. Believe me - it looks a lot warmer than it actually is. Switch Kono - Mathias from Johannes Neumann on Vimeo .

Le Brusc

Great session in Le Brusc, freestyling with some friends. Best sail: 4m. Kevin Allegre is on the red RRD WaveVogue, me on the brown SuperStyle.

Smells like Spring

Scored two amazing sessions in Almanarre. Regular winds, mild temperatures, sunny... Thanks to Jean-Marc Castier for some of the pictures. Check out his blog !