Still motivated

I've been off the radar for a while... but that doesn't mean I haven't been windsurfing. Despite a very calm August I managed to sneak in at least one session a week. We often had to drive quite a bit to get to the windy spots but it was mostly worth it. The Baltic Sea wasn't that windy in August so I often drove west. I got to see the North Sea from a very different angle these last three weeks or so. It seems a lot less crowded than the Baltic. There are not many distractions around. So you have more time to contemplate its beauty. Everything around there seems to be shaped by the forces of the elements. During one session we even had to escape from a small tornado. But what really got me was the sound of the board when sailing in one of the mirror-flat channels....
Today's session in Saal wasn't that bad either though. I even have a photo from today. It's me sliding out of a switch chachoo in what seems like very low winds. Forecasts for Friday and next week look better. I might do a little trip to Denmark and hope to post some more action then.


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