Starnberger See

Known as one of the poshest parts of Germany, Starnberg can also offer some good windsurfing conditions. I sailed a place called St.Heinrich today. It was a very picturesque scenery with a small Bavarian church and the Alps in the background. Also it was really mild today, which made for a great short session. My back is still not back in shape but I'm trying my best to improve my strength. I was told to take it easy windsurfingwise but it was just too tempting. The only bad thing is that I lack power in most of my moves but I think it will come back soon. January is going to be a month of some serious physiotherapy and I hope to back in full shape by the beginning of February. I also hope to be ready for the EFPT event at Lake Garda, which is hopefully going ahead there in May. Tomorrow looks as if some nice Foehn winds will kick in. It's going to be really mild as well - perfect for sneaking a little session in before Christmas dinner.

a burner sequence
 the same move 
 an eslider in one of the many lulls
 switch chachoo


Rik De Vriendt said…
Hi Mathias!

The scenery of you new homespots looks incredible. I hope you are having a good time in Bavaria! Make sure you take your physiotherapy very seriously, it can make a BIG difference, recovery-wise!!!



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