Instead of spending low-wind days off the water, stand-up paddling can be a nice way of staying fit and enjoying the ocean at the same time. Here are some photos from a recent session in tiny waves.
The forecast for today was on the light side. I packed the 5.6 and headed to Salzhaff. Once at the spot, it didn't look windy enough. The water level was also really low. I could catch some very light gusts and pump myself onto the plane every once in a while. I captured some of the moves on camera. It was good to be out there, in nature, in the fresh air, even seeing some glimpses of the sun. I felt light and a bit cold. Especially my feet were freezing because the water here has already cooled down quite a bit. I am not so happy with what the moves look like on film but have to remember that this is 5.6 in very marginal conditions and that the water was really shallow. I still felt kind of in tune with everything. The water was crystal clear, the sunlight, filtered through the grey clouds, danced over the hilly landscape to the southwest - like a spotlight. When the sky could be seen through the thick layers of clouds, it shimmered in a light blue color reminiscent of warmer day...
Die Vorhersage für den heutigen Donnerstag war schon seit einigen Tagen vielversprechend. Ein starker Nordwind drückte viel Wasser in die Mecklenburger Bucht, so dass im Prinzip alle Spots mit Buhnen durch das Raster fielen. Es war ein grauer Tag mit viel Regen. Wir versuchten es auf dem Darß und wurden fündig. Die Wellen wurden von einem Wellenbrecher geordnet, blieben oft lange rund und brachen dann schnell und manchmal auch kraftvoll. Der Ultimate Wave 75 von JP hat mir auch in den heutigen, anspruchsvollen Bedingungen mit viel Strömung sehr gut gefallen. Gerne würde ich öfters in Starboardtack-Bedingungen, also mit Wind von rechts Surfen. Leider sind solche Stürme wie heute sehr selten an der mecklenburgischen Ostseeküste. Dabei ist es doch ein wahres Geschenk, dass man nach der Arbeit noch eine gute Stunde vor der Dunkelheit ein paar schöne Wellen abreiten kann und so die Kraft der Naturgewalten spürt. Die Energie des Wassers und des Windes überträgt sich auf das ...
It was at the time before Christmas when I felt that leaving the daily routine behind and going on a windsurf trip in a van was something that my soul needed. I cannot really explain that feeling. It’s like when you watch the cars on a nearby motorway driving south and you feel an inner voice telling you to go on a journey. I knew that I wanted to go south because northern Germany and the nearby Scandinavian countries can be quite bleak and cold in the winter time. Windsurfing here between November and February can still be a great adventure and you can get that cosy “hygge“ feeling when renting a house and sitting by the fire place after a cold session - But what I needed was something to warm my heart. So the plan was to drive south straight after school and to make it to Lago di Garda on the same day. Afer a couple of hours on the road I suddenly realised that the sky was changing. Its grey colour, its standard setup in the winter time in northern Germany, started to give way to s...