

Pajarito colibrí, no tengas miedo de salir Hoy el mundo quiere que despiertes para ser feliz Pajarito colibrí, no tengas miedo de vivir Que la noche oscura y misteriosa baila para ti Cuando sientas que infinito el mundo se abre ante tus alas Dentro de tu pecho pierdas el aliento Pídele al cielo que te haga volar Y si sientes vértigo en el vuelo Que se enciende el fuego dentro de tu pecho Pide al universo, en tu ser entero, dulce libertad Todo va a estar bien, pajarito colibrí Ya no tengas miedo de vivir Todo va a estar bien, pajarito colibrí Tú llegaste al mundo para ser feliz Hoy los valles, bosques y montañas quieren verte ir Hoy senderos, mares y las nubes velarán por ti Si de amores andas sollozando, sin poder dormir Solo canta, quiebra la garganta, es hora de partir Cuando sientas que infinito el mundo se abre ate tus alas Dentro de tu pecho pierdas el aliento Pídele al cielo que te haga volar Y si sientes vértigo en el vuelo Que se enciende el fuego dentro de tu pecho Pide a

SOUL RIVER | Windsurfing Warnow River

The River is flowing, flowing and growing, down to the sea. Mother earth carry me, your child I will always be. 🌎 ⭐️ 🌌 ♾️ Let me take you on a journey into the soul of the river: Everything that happens in your life is part of a bigger picture Everything happens for a reason Be still and listen to what life is trying to tell you Everything that creates an emotion inside of you and touches your heart should be looked at with pure awareness. Rivers teach us so much about life Their water has seen so much before it finally dissolves into the vastness of the ocean I want to give a special thanks to Daniel for filming, but even more so for being my best friend. I’d also like to thank my school’s choir group “Vocalize“ for inspiring me with their performance to use the song “The river is flowing“ in this video. I want to give a shoutout to Julian Wiemar who also rips on a river and shows me what is possible in these special conditions. I look forward to windsurfing with you again

Reality without a filter

Every person who follows a certain goal knows that doing things to achieve that goal on a regular basis brings progress and finally success.  With windsurfing it can be quite hard to stay focused and motivated because in order to practise you need wind and the right temperatures. You need the right spot for the right wind direction and conditions are always different, which makes it a very challenging yet amazingly rewarding sport.  So today was one of those days where you might have wanted to skip "training". It was raining, it has already become a lot colder than before (around 14/13 degrees) and the wind was super light and gusty. We decided to sail on the river because the wind direction was south. The good thing: I could launch from where I live without taking the car.  My friend launched 4 kilometers downwind though and I wanted to go there. I was thinking about taking the foil and then swap to the fin once there but eventually opted for the fin. When I arrived at the s

Let's hope for big autumn storms

It's getting colder and I think we will soon see some good winds at the Baltic Sea coasts. Let's keep our fingers crossed. Pic by Gunnar Rosenow 

Golden Brown

A golden meadow glowing in the evening light somewhere in the Spanish Pyrenees mountains. It was the end of a hot day and the evening turned out to provide a special, calming atmosphere. Moments like that make travelling all the more compelling. 


This trip was just amazing, but there was just not enough time to capture all the impressions that the Lofoten islands had to offer. Crazy offshore winds at Unstad beach and magic northern lights - aurora borealis - at Gimsoy. One day, I'll be back. 

New clip: Feel how it feels

Life is made up of feelings. You can feel the wind in your face, the cold water on your skin... You can feel the cold moonlight and the comfortable warmth of the sun in your face. You can take a deep breath and feel the energy flow into your body. You can close your eyes and feel the beating of your heart in your chest. You can feel the wave gently pushing you and your board towards the shore. You can feel the earth's gravitational force when jumping. You can feel so much. And yet, we sometimes keep thinking and overthinking. That is just human.  Dear nature, let me feel what it feels to be alive on this planet. Let me feel the energy of life. Let me see what I should be seeing. Let me feel what I should be feeling. Let me feel life.